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Int 17 Fn 2000  - PC Paint Plus 2.0 - Printer Driver - Installation Check  [P]

   AX = 2000h
   BL = printer number???

Return:    AX = status (see below)
   BX = driver version number (BH=major,BL=minor)
   CH = ??? (00h)
   CL = ???
   DX = ??? (0100h)

Note:  also enables the remaining printer driver functions (2001h-2007h)

See Also: AX=2001h,AX=2002h,AX=2003h,AX=2004h,AX=2005h,AX=2006h,AX=2007h

Values for status:
 0000h successful
 0001h invalid printer???
 0002h ???
 0003h invalid subfunction
 0005h driver disabled, must call function 00h first
 0009h unknown printer error
 000Bh printer not selected
 000Ch printer out of paper
 000Eh error while writing to serial printer
 000Fh ???
 0010h invalid function number
 0011h value out of range

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